Zapier -> Lark
Get notifications in Lark from HackenProof about new reports
Last updated
Get notifications in Lark from HackenProof about new reports
Last updated
How the connection HackenProof -> Zapier Webhook works
This guide explains how our Zapier WebHook can help companies with notifications when they run a bounty program at HackenProof.
Please note! It's Zapier Webhook integration, not Zappier App
As you know, HackenProof uses a ticket-based system that has different stages of reports processing.
Once you connect your bug bounty program to your Zapier account, the Zapier will send notifications about the new reports (that include the Program name, Report title, Report severity, Report URL etc.)
Navigate to your Zapier dashboard.
Create a new Zap.
Choose Trigger: Webhooks by Zapier.
Choose the Event type: Catch Hook.
Click the 'Continue' button.
Pick off a Child Key and press the 'Continue' button. You can name Child Key as you wish.
Copy the Zapier Webhook URL.
Navigate to your Program Integrations section and choose Zapier.
Paste your copied Zapier Webhook URL and press the Connect button.
Press the Test WebHook button to test the connection (it will send the latest report data to Zapier).
Back to your Zapier and click the 'Test Trigger' button.
As a result, you will see a data record. Click the 'Continue with the selected record' button.
In this guide, we are going to use Lark Suite. Before starting working with Lark, you need to connect your Lark account in the Zapier App: Navigate to your Zapier Account and make sure you have the necessary connected app.
Now navigate to your ZAP to continue creating it: choose Action.
Find and add Lark.
Chose the event type Create New Lark Task (or other event).
Click the 'Continue' button.
Action. Now specify, please, data about your Lark project (the data in the screenshot is just an example).
In the Summary and Description fields, you can add pre-description as shown on the screenshot:
Report Title
Program name:
Report ID:
Report URL:
Report Severity:
Report Status:
Report Target Type
Specify data in other required and optional fields, and click the 'Continue' button.
Now you can Test the Zap.
If everything works for you, Publish the ZAP.
Check your Lark project.
If you open any issue ticket you can see the requested data.