GitHub Issue

Automatically create GitHub issue from HackenProof for reports with any status

How the connection HackenProof -> GitHub issue works

This guide explains how GitHub connection helps companies when they run a bounty program at HackenProof.

Once you connect your bug bounty program to your GitHub repository (public or private), you can automatically create a GitHub issue:

remember, you can create a GitHub issue for reports with any STATUS

How to create a GitHub issue

  • Open the report you want to create a GitHub issue from

  • Navigate to the prerequisites section of the report and find the GitHub issue section

  • Press the Create GitHub issue button. As a result, the appropriate issue will be created in your GitHub repository

  • Also, in the report's GitHub section, you will find the link to the newly created issue:

How to connect the GitHub repository to the HackenProof program

  • Open your HackenProof program which you want to connect to HackenProof

  • Navigate to the Integrations tab and open GitHub app

  • Connect your HackenProof program to GitHub by specifying Repository URL and your GitHub API token

Repository URL. Be sure you use the correct Repository URL. Here is a correct sample:, where:


  • hackenproof/ - company (owner)

  • web3-bug-bounty-platform/issues - repo issue

GitHub API token. To create your token: GitHub Settings -> Developer settings -> Personal access tokens

  • Press the Generate personal access token

  • To create a GitHub issue you will need a token with access to REPO

Make sure to copy your personal access token now. You wonโ€™t be able to see it again!

Once you specified Repository URL and your GitHub API token you can connect your bug bounty program with GitHub and start creating GitHub issues

Last updated