Program/Report Assignee

Program/Report Assignee can be a user with the role of company admin, company manager, program manager or triager, who accepted the invitation to the company or program.

The program's default assignee user will automatically become the assignee for all future reports of the program

Set Program Assignee user

To set Program assignee:

  • please navigate to the correspondent program

  • open the Program Team tab

  • select the radio button next to the user you want.

Set Report Assignee user

To set Report Assignee:

  • please navigate to the correspondent report

  • open the Report page

  • navigate to the report prerequisites menu (right side of the report)

  • find the Assignee section and click on it to open the user drop-down list

  • choose the necessary user and click on the โ€˜Setโ€™ button

Unassign a Program or Report

Unassigning a report is not possible once it has been assigned.

You can only change the assignee.

To change Program assignee:

  • please navigate to the correspondent program

  • open the Program Team tab

  • select the radio button next to the user you want to assign

To change Report assignee:

  • please navigate to the correspondent report

  • open the Report page

  • navigate to the report prerequisites menu (right side of the report)

  • find the Assignee section and click on it to open the user drop-down list

  • choose the necessary user and click on the โ€˜Setโ€™ button


If the default assignee is not specified in the program, then the report assignee by default becomes the user who will be the first to add a comment to the report or change the status of the report.

If an assignee has been assigned to the report, but another member of the company or program changes the report's status, that member automatically becomes the assignee of the report.

Last updated